Saturday, February 18, 2012

Black and White

Black and White by David Macaulay
1991 Caldecott Medal

This is one of those rare books that actually redefines "book" for me. I would put The Invention of Hugo Cabret in this category, and this one.

It starts with a WARNING "This book appears to contain a number or stories that do not neccessarily occur at the same time. Then again, it may contain only one story. In any event, careful inspection of both words and pictures is recommended."

Then, each two page spread is devided into four sections.  And in each section a story is told in pictures and a few words.  The top left hand corner . . . the story is about a train and a boy riding on the train. The lower left hand corner is a story about a family--- two parents, two kids and a dog. The top right hand corner there are a bunch of people waiting at a train station. The lower right hand corner the story is about an escaped convict and some cows.

These four stories move forward each in their own frame with no particular need for one another.  BUT. . . . like the warning says. . . invite CAREFUL inspection.

I read this to Makayla and we over spent our reading time by a good 30 minutes with out even being the slightest bit aware of it. The experience of this book is wonderfully absorbing and fun. We finished it and immediately tried to sell it to everyone else in the house!

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