Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Time-Traveling Twins

Time Traveling Twins by Diane Stanley
I've read Roughing It on the Orgeon Trail
and Joining the Boston Tea Party

No awards that I know of, but I just enjoyed these books and so did both of my children (Jabu age 10 and Makayla age 7). It reminds me of the Magic School Bus books, but about history.

The Time Traveling Twins go to see their grandma, they select an ancestor they'd like to visit, they dress accordingly, the grandma puts on her time traveling hat, they hold hands, someone grabs the dog, and they find themselves in another time and place! They have their adventures, and then return to Grandma's house.

Lot's of pictures, and a cartoon element on each page with "talk bubbles" coming from the characters in the illustrations (including the dog!)

A fun way to learn some history!

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