Saturday, October 8, 2011

Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo

Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo (Candlewick Press)
2001 Newbery Honor Book

This is my first read in the revived project!

Takes place in Florida and I appreciate the completely southern feel of the story. Involves a wonderful batch of odd-ball characters including an old lady librarian, a guitar playing/ex-convict/pet shop employee, a nearly blind old lady gardener, a preacher, and especially a girl named Opal and her dog, Winn-Dixie.

There were some whacky elements that I enjoyed . . . like the guitar playing/ex-convict/pet shop employee letting all the animals out of their cages every morning ("I take them out. I feel sorry for them being locked up all the time. I know what it's like to be locked up.") and playing his guitar for them while they listen, mesmerized.

And Littmus Lozenges---- a candy that tastes of root beer, strawberries, and a hint of melancholy.

It's an easy read. A sweet story, not too heavy, but with themes of loss and healing; acceptance and friendship. Nothing in here that would scare off anyone (a younger chapter book reader/listener could definitely handle it). I'd recommend it. It's next on the read aloud list for my kids, and I think BOTH of them (ages 10 and 6) might like it.

I started it with Makayla age 6 last night and she LOVED it. She was a little reluctant at first because "it doesn't have pictures" but she is a big animal lover and she was captivated pretty much right away. :-)

update 2:
Jabu (age 10) read Because of Winn Dixie last week. He LOVED it, said it was the best book he has ever read! The kids also found the movie DVD at the library, so we watched it. I thought it was pretty good over all, but Jabu who had JUST finished the book didn't like it so well. Which I actually was pleased by! (Nice that his experience of the book beat the movie!) He was eager to find another chapter book to read after this one, another excellent recommendation for this book!

I also wanted to share some links that I found related to the book:
Kate DiCamillo's webiste has a nice essay "On Writing"--- On Writing
The publishers of the book have a discussion guide:

Jabu enjoyed doing this crossword puzzle related to the book:
Crossword Puzzle

I can't find the link now, but I found some cool writing ideas---
* make a list of 10 things about someone important to you (like Opal had for her mom, and for Winn Dixie)
* invent a new kind of candy that evokes an emotion. And create an advertisement for this candy. 

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