Thursday, October 13, 2011

MC Higgins the Great; Whipping Boy

Originally Posted May 13, 2003

MC Higgins the Great by Virginia Hamilton
1975 Newbery Medal

The Whipping Boy by Syd Fleischman
1987 Newbery Medal

I found I never really "got" MC Higgins the Great. I just felt kind of lost and bewildered through most of it. Anyone else have a different (hopefully better) experience. I absolutely LOVE her book The Planet of Junior Brown, it was my favorite book in Junior High and I still liked it when I re-read it as an adult. Oh and I definitely would avoid MC Higgins with young readers for a variety of reasons. Sexual stuff, violent stuff, a very edgy relationship with a parent. . .

And The Whipping Boy didn't do it for me either. Just seemed kind of silly. (but NOT in the wonderfully silly kind of way.) HOWEVER, it was pretty harmless, and I think it would be fine to share with a young reader. (Maybe that would even redeem it, I don't know.)

Interested in other people's impressions of these two.

Love, Louise

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